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Moving In Together?

Planning on taking the plunge and moving into a new place with your significant other? Moving day can be one of the most exciting experiences of the journey – as long as everything goes smoothly, of course.
Use these tips to keep the first day you live together organized and easy.

Toss What You Won’t Use
Once you move in and unpack you realize you have more than you know what to do with. To reduce the excess, you and your partner should spend a few days clearing out your respective clutter before you move. Go room by room and take out anything you haven’t used in six months. You can sell those items or donate them to charity.

Combine Belongings
Once you‘re both done purging your stuff, decide what will go into your new home. Making these decisions may not be easy, but finding agreement ahead of time will make moving easier. To avoid arguments, start by deciding what is a “must keep” for both of you and then use a floor plan of your new home to decide where to put your favorite items. Any leftovers? Donate or sell.

Manage Expenses
Moving inevitably comes with costs. Before you move, sit down and decide how you’ll do the move. For example, do you want to pay for professional movers or rent a truck and enlist the help of friends? How are you situated with boxes and other package supplies? Once you have a plan, set a date with the movers or friends and find packing supplies as soon as possible. Being an early bird may help you cut costs.

Create a Battle Plan
Packing and moving from two separate locations can get hectic, but a well-organized plan will keep problems to a minimum. For example, a few days – or weeks – before you move, come up with a battle plan that includes packing each person’s belongings and setting the pick-up times for each house. It will also help to assign tasks ahead of time. If you both know your roles, you’ll be able to work faster and avoid arguments in the process.

Keep Boxes Organized and Labeled
Combining stuff is more complicated than moving one person. To avoid moving day mistakes, make sure your boxes are well organized. For example, writing the designated room on each box will make the moving process easier, and writing the content of each box will make unpacking a breeze.

If you can get through the move smoothly, it might just mean you’re meant for each other.